 Ulysses's Director Pietro Masci, PhD Economy, between Europe and USA
 My professional life has always combined operational responsibilities in diagnosis, design and implementation of projects and programs with research and teaching in the fields of finance and economics. The combination of research and operational experience reinforces the overall understanding of issues and provides students a greater depth and exposure to practical, applied knowledge and research. Throughout my professional life my main specific interests have been the functioning of financial markets, financial analysis, auditing and reporting, corporate governance, regulation, role of International Financial Institutions (e.g., IMF, World Bank, EIB and IDB), public policy and cost-benefit analysis. My additional operational and research activities have also involved debt markets, insurance markets, micro finance and micro insurance, performance evaluation of micro finance institutions, entrepreneurship. My interests in methods include panel data, spatial analysis and GIS, and network analysis. Both my operational and research work has been centered to assess and realize the perspective of the general public interest as opposed to specific partial interests. In the most recent years, my focus has moved to study the connection between economics and finance and politics and policies and to include the political-institutional and electoral perspectives.
Within this context, my goal is to understand the links between economics, finance and political structure in various systems and countries, with particular attention to the United States and Italy, the two countries where I spent the largest parts of my life. This allows me to study the political systems and their development and how those systems serve the interest of specific groups rather than the public general interest. My approach is geared towards the goal of defining a political-institutional and electoral system that allows representation – a key variable for democracy - and eliminates or reduces the power of elites, as well as the circulation and change of those elites so as to realize a society that reduces inequalities and offers opportunities to all. To this end, it is crucial the use of appropriate methodology rooted on logical and qualitative analysis and on philosophical underpinning, literature review, articulation of thesis and finding confirmation using quantitative tools and analysis, particularly through survey design, panel data, spatial analysis, structural equation modeling, time series, and network analysis.
Work experience - Current:
Istituto di Studi Europei, ISE, Rome, Adjunct Professor, Middle East Development; University of Malta - Unlink, Rome, Adjunct Professor, International Economy; University Carleton, Ottawa, Guest speaker and Lecturer, Entrepreneurship; World Road Association, PIARC , Audit Committee, Legal Auditor; Member Board of Advisors Global and Entrepreneurial Finance Research Institute (GEFRI); GWU Research Center.
- December 2007 to December 2010:
Ministry Economy and Finance, Department of the Treasury, Rome, Director Office for European Investment Bank, Mediterranean and Balkans. Director, Office for economic and financial analysis of emerging countries and their policies. Main Responsibilities: Strategies, policies, projects of the EIB; Economic and financial analysis countries of the Mediterranean and of the Balkans. Main Achievements: Diagnostic access to credit in Mediterranean countries and setting up of the Mediterranean Business Development Initiative (MDBI) for financing small and micro enterprises of the south of the Mediterranean; Reform of EIB Bonus System; Agreement with the EIB for the Use of Guarantee, signed for the first time in Italian; Negotiation Western Balkans Investment Initiative.
- December 1998 to November 2007:
Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), Washington D.C., Policy Department, Division Chief, Infrastructure and Financial Markets Main Responsibilities: Applied research, policy work and project support related to the projects and programs in financial markets, infrastructure and entrepreneurship in Latin America and Caribbean. Main Achievements: Financial Market Strategy for Latin American and the Caribbean; Infrastructure Strategy for Latin American and the Caribbean; Setting up of the LAC Dept Group; Design and implementation of the IDB Guarantee Program; Cooperation private sector, IDB and supervisors for banking, insurance and capital markets development. Training Program for supervisors; Insurance for micro entrepreneurs; training program for micro entrepreneurs.
- May 1993 to November 1998:
Inter-American Development Bank, Washington, D.C., Operations Department, Division Chief, Cofinancing Main Responsibilities: Project finance; raising funds for IDB projects from bilateral aid agencies, export credit agencies, commercial banks, and other financial institutions. Main achievements: Financing from a record number of different sources with a record amount of 2 bn US$ from Japan.
- January 1992 to April 1993:
Department of the Treasury, Rome, Division Chief, Debt Management and Borrowing. Responsible for medium-term Italian borrowing programs. Achievements: Setting up of Italian Debt Management Office; Issuance of first Italian Global Bond; Access of Italy to the Yen Market.
- July 1991 to April 1993:
Department of the Treasury, Rome, Division Chief, Multilateral Cooperation. Main Responsibilities: Definition and implementation of Italian strategy for multilateral development banks and other financial institutions. Main Achievements: Negotiations of the Global Environment Facility and IDA 9.
- June 1989 to June 1991:
Inter-American Investment Corporation, Washington, D.C., Executive Director and Representative of non-regional countries on the Executive Committee. Main Responsibilities: Analysis and approval of strategy and policies; operational and financial policies; organization; analysis and approval of investments. Main Achievements: Setting up of operational guidelines.
- June 1988 to May 1989:
Fondigest, Milan, Manager, U.S. Portfolio. Responsible for asset allocation and for specific investments (bonds and stocks) in the U.S.-Market, up to 10 percent of portfolio.
- February 1984 to January 1987:
World Bank, Washington, D.C. Executive Director’s Assistant. Main Responsibilities: Advice to the Executive Director on the economic and financial analysis of projects in developing countries, with particular emphasis on those with the private sector.
- May 1977 to January 1984:
Department of the Treasury, Rome. Young Professional, and in Setting Chief Export Credit, and Economic Cooperation. Main Responsibilities: International negotiations for export credit agreements (OECD and E.U.); Domestic policies in the export credit sector; economic cooperation and debt rescheduling of Eastern European countries (Paris Club, bilateral negotiations); Economic and financial appraisal of projects in developing countries (Egypt, Somalia).
- September 1976 to April 1977:
Department of Agriculture, Rome. Young Professional, Common Agriculture Policy of the European Union. Main Responsibilities: Economic and financial appraisal of agriculture projects financed by the E.U.
- July 1974 to August 1976:
Railways Agency, Rome. Young Professional, Legal and Financial Group. Main Responsibilities: Financial impact of labor compensation; labor regulations for overtime.
- April 1973 to June 1974:
Military Service, Lecce and Florence. Sergeant
In italian:
- Seminario: Lo sviluppo economico dei paesi del Sud del Mediterraneo- ISE–Marzo-Maggio 2013
- Seminario: Mercati Finanziari, Micro Finanza e Sviluppo- Febbraio-Marzo 2012, UNIER, Roma
- Seminario: Analisi Costi Benefici nell’UE e per i progetti della BEI, e Ruolo del Sistema Finanziario Internazionale, Scuola Superiore di Pubblica Amministrazione, 2008- 2009-2010.
- Seminar: Ruolo della BEI nel mercato finanziario e Analisi Costi Benefici e la sua applicazione nella BEI e in altre Banche di sviluppo, Master di Specializzazione in Studi Europei, Istituto Studi Europei (ISE), 2008-2009;
- Seminar: Finanza e Sviluppo, Corso Aggiornamento Funzionari, Scuola Ministero d’Economia e Finanze, 2008;
In English:
- Seminar: The Role of the EIB and Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs) in the Financial Markets, Master in European Economy and Finance and Institutions (MEEFI), University of Rome, Tor Vergata, 2008- 2009;
- Short course: The Role of International Financial Institutions (IFIs), George Mason University, School of Public Policy, 2006-2007;
- Short course on Financial Markets and Multilateral Development Banks, George Mason University, School of Public Policy, Fairfax VA, 2004-2005;
- Module on Project Finance and Public-Private Partnership (PPP), American University, Washington DC, 2003-2005.
In Spanish:
- Seminar: Pension Reform and Annuities, Centro Interamericano de Estudios de Seguridad Social, Mexico City, Mexico. July–August 2003 and October 2003.
- George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia - Ph.D., Public Policy, GPA 3.9.
- George Washington University, Washington, D.C. - MBA, Concentration Finance, GPA 3.8
- University of Rome, Rome - Laurea in Political Science and Economics, 110/110 Summa cum laude
Publications (Visit these pages for details.)
- Various publications on financial markets, private investments, real options, guarantees, financial policies, co financing, soft loans, and export credits.
- Editor of various books on financial topics. List of publications available.
Conferences (Visit these pages for details.)
- Participated in various events as speaker, presenter, and moderator; organized several regional and national conferences on topics related to financial markets and infrastructure in Latin America and the Caribbean, Balkans, Europe and the Mediterranean. Participated as speaker in several events on European Investment Bank, Balkans and Mediterranean.
List of conferences and events available.
Professional qualifications
- Certified Legal Auditor in the countries of the European Union since 1996 (Revisore Legale)
Positions held
- Member interagency group Legal Auditors and Comitato Nazionale Italiano Permanente per il Microcredito, Italy, for auditing of micro credit institutions
- Auditor World Road Association (WRA), Italian Committee, 2008
- Member of the EIB sub-committee on pensions and remuneration, Luxemburg, 2007-2010
- Alternate Member of the Board of the European Investment Bank, Luxemburg, 2007-2010
- Italian Representative in the Investment Facility Committee (IFC) of the EIB for ACP countries, 2007-2010
- Italian Representative in the FEMIP of the EIB for Mediterranean countries, 2007-2010
- Member of the Board of the Italian Export Credit Agency, SACE, Rome, 1980-84
- Italian negotiator of the debt rescheduling of Poland, Romania, and Yugoslavia, 1979
- Chairman of the European Union Export Credit Group, Brussels, 1978
- Member of the Intergovernmental Commission for the Promotion of Italian Exports
- Chairman of the Audit Committee of the Istituto Bancario Tre Venezie, Verona, 1991-93
- Alternate Member of the Audit Committee, Banca Nazionale del Lavoro, Sez. Cine, Rome, 1980-1984
- Member of the Board of the Monterotondo Hospital, Rome, 1982-84.
- Fluent in English, Spanish and French. Working Knowledge of Portuguese. Some Understanding of Greek. Mother Tongue: Italian.
- Diplome of Langue et Literature Française, University of Poitiers, La Rochelle. Diplome of Langue et Literature Française, Alliance Française, Paris and Rome
- Vice-President, Amigos de las Americas (AMIGOS), Washington DC, 2001- 2005
- Blood Donor, National Institute of Health (NIH), Bethesda, MD USA.
- Adult Learn-to-Swim Instructor.
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