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supervision and contributions


Luis Tejerina, César Bouillon, Edgardo Demaestri
Financial Services and Poverty Reduction in Latin America and the Caribbean
IDB - december 2011
Giuseppe Pennisi
Appraisal Parameters, Selection Criteria and Regulations for Long-Term Investment
Cassa Depositi e Prestiti (CDP) - october 2011
Bernardo Weaver Barros
Microinsurance for Brazil: The GILR-Bond
The Whitehead Journal of Diplomacy and International Relations - summer/fall 2008
Gabriela Fernàndez A.
Estrategias de Gestión de Deuda Pública
Banco Central del Ecuador - 2007
Pietro Masci and Monica Almonacid, Editors
Proceedings of the Second Annual Meeting of LAC Debt Group
IDB - Washington D.C., 2007
Pietro Masci et al.
Infrastructure and Financial Market Division - 1999/2007
IDB - june 2007
Lisa Hayes, Mark Rosenberg, Jerry Abraham
Making Roads Safe in Latin America and the Caribbean
Global Road Safety Forum - 2007
Jaime Millán
Market or state? Three decades of reforms in the Latin American electric power industry
IDB Sustainable Developing Department - 2007
Torben Juul Andersen
Utilización de técnicas de financiamiento del riesgo para gestionar las exposiciones económicas...
IDB Sustainable Developing Department - abril 2007
Eduardo Borensztein, Eduardo Levy Yeyati, Ugo Panizza
Living with Debt
IDB - David Rockfeller Center - Harward University - 2006
Enrique Navarrete, Sergio Navajas
Basel II and Microfinance
IDB Microenterprise - july 2006
IDB - LAC Regional Initiative
Enhancement of Know-how and Institutional Capacity at Public Debt Management Agencies
IDB Loan Proposal - 2006
Plan de operaciones
Mejoramiento del conocimiento y la capacid institucional de las entidades públicas responsables...
IDB Sustainable Developing Department - 2006
Juan Benavides, Juan José Durante
Private infrastructure: support from the Inter-American Development Bank Group: 1990-2005
IDB Sustainable Developing Department - april 2006
Ivar Pettersen, John Magne Skjelvik, Nils Atle Krokeide
Exploiting international financial markets to manage natural hazard risks in Latin America
IDB Sustainable Developing Department - december 2005
Torben Juul Andersen
Applications of Risk Financing Techniques to Manage Economic Exposures to Natural Hazards
IDB Sustainable Development Department - october 2005
Juan José Durante, Mónica Almonacid
Financial Market Development: Support from the Inter-American Development Bank Group, 1990-2004
IDB Sustainable Developing Department - june 2005
Luis Bermejo, Pedro Fernández Mariana
Anàlisis de rentabilitad de una oficina bancaria
IDB Sustainable Developing Department - diciembre 2004
Fernando de Mergelina
El proceso de resolución de un banco en crisis y sus guías operativas
IDB Sustainable Developing Department - octubre 2004
Juan Benavides, Paola Moyano
Private infrastructure: support from the Inter-American Development Bank Group:1990-2003
IDB Sustainable Developing Department - january 2004
André Medici
The Political Economy of Reform in Brazil’s Civil Servant Pension Scheme
Harward PGDA, IDB - june 2003
Salvador Barberà
Designing Decisions Rules for Transnational Infrastructure Projects
Centre de Referència en Economia Analítica (CREA) - may 2003
Paulina Beato
La participación del sector privado en los servicios de agua y saneamiento en Cartagena de Indias
IDB Sustainable Developing Department - abril 2003
Edgardo Demaestri, Juan José Durante
Financial Market Development: Support from the Inter-American Development Bank Group, 1990-2002
IDB Sustainable Developing Department - february 2003
Mónica Almonacid, Paulina Beato, Jaime Millán, Diego Sourrouille
Private Infrastructure. Support from the Inter-American Development Bank Group: 1990-2002
IDB Sustainable Developing Department - february 2003
Torben Juul Andersen
Innovative Financial Instruments for Natural Disaster Risk Management
IDB Sustainable Development Department - december 2002
Paulina Beato, Jean-Jacques Laffont
Competition in Public Utilities in Developing Countries
IDB Sustainable Developing Department - february 2002
Kenroy Dowers, Stefano Fassina, Stefano Pettinato
Pension Reform in Small Emerging Economies
IDB - december 2001
Stefano Fassina, Viceministro dell'Economia e delle Finanze nel Governo Letta, ha collaborato con la Banca di Sviluppo Interamericana (coordinato da Pietro Masci) sui temi della Riforma delle pensioni con questo studio del 2001.
Paulina Beato, Carmen Fuente
Liberalization of the Gas Sector in Latin America: The Experience of Three Countries
IDB Sustainable Developing Department - june 2000
C. Federico Basañes, Eduardo Saavedra, Raimundo Soto
Post-Privatization Renegotiation and Disputes in Chile
IDB - september 1999

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