Pietro Masci, Andre Medici, Bernardo Weaver Barros The Relationship Between Insurance and Entrepreneurship in Brazil (I) SCL/SPH Working Paper No. 1 - 2007
The Relationship between Insurance and Entrepreneurship in Brazil Concepts and Basic Data (version I)
This document presents data related to insurance and entrepreneurship in the states of Brazil over a period of 10 years. The data is accompanied by brief discussions of terms’ definitions. They range from the definition of Startup and Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs), to the classification of insurance contracts by types of risks. The data collected includes volume of premium by type of policy, insurance regulators’ and market players’ estimates of the share of premia paid by SMEs. The document includes data with control variables (education, infrastructure, etc.) and relevant legislation to help future data interpretation.
Most of the information has never been presented before in such detail. The document follows the hypothesis developed on a previous unpublished manuscript “Insurance and Entrepreneurship in Latin America and the Caribbean: a Spatial Analysis” by Pietro Masci.

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