Edited by Edgardo Demaestri and Pietro Masci Financial Crises in Japan and Latin America IDB 2003 | ISBN: 1931003475
Over the last two decades, the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean have suffered damaging financial crises that have obstructed the building of sound financial systems and created major obstacles to growth. On June 11-12, 2001, the Inter-American Development Bank (IDE) and the Japan Center for International Finance (JCIF) organized a workshop entitled "Financial Crises: Japan's Experience and Implications for Latin America and the Caribbean." The event allowed for a review of experiences with financial crisis in a highly developed country, Japan, and in some Latin American countries, and also sought to draw out lessons for the region. Participants included distinguished representatives from academia, government, supervisory agencies and multilateral organizations, each sharing the results of their studies on and professional experience with financial crises, both in Japan and Latin America.
We believe that the workshop met its objective and that its findings will help improve the understanding of financial crises, contribute to developing policies to resolve and prevent them and, ultimately, develop healthy financial sectors. Prompted by such crises, important reforms were introduced in Latin American financial markets, including changes to the legal and regulatory framework, patterns of ownership, and market infrastructure. Domestic and foreign private ownership is now encouraged, and regulation, supervision, and competition play complementary roles. [...]
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