Pietro Masci Introduction to Entrepreneurship Università di Teramo, may 2015
Università di Teramo Master Diritto e Impresa nella MacroRegione Adriatico-Ionica Anno Accademico 2014/2015 15 maggio 2015
Pietro Masci
Outline:1. Definitions: Entrepreneurship and Insurance 2. Natural and human events: the Known, unknown and Unknowable 3. Historical review: Entrepreneurship, Risk and Uncertainty 4. Literature review: Entrepreneurship, Risk and Uncertainty 5. Entrepreneurship and Insurance as market institutions 6. Entrepreneurship and Insurance in the process of economic development. 7. Entrepreneurship and Economic Growth 8. Advanced and emerging market countries: wealth; institutions; insurance markets 9. Policy implications and future work 10. Policy and Politics 11. Evaluation

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